What Are We All About?

Hi, I'm Sarah Rose

Fresh Rise Coaching Founder + Creator of ReEnergizeHer!

Mid-career women, like you, are feeling less happy, more stuck, on the brink of burnout, and just trying to figure out how to fit busy work + life together!  Does this sound familiar?

About 9 years ago when I started to feel chronically stressed, overwhelmed in my workplace  Luckily at that point I was pregnant and that maternity leave came at the perfect time!  I returned with my tank refilled and a clean slate on my to do list.  However, I quickly found myself back in leadership trying to juggle all of the things, holding responsibility for it all, throw in COVID, and I found myself back on the point of what I now know as overwhelm - working long hours, feeling like there was never enough time, and feeling like a failure.  It was then that I realized there had to be more options for me. I started a personal journey of reflection, exploring energy, coaching training, reading about employee engagement and burnout, observing my colleagues, analyzing research, you get the idea!

I started to pay better attention - I realized that when I was feeling exhausted by work, I felt even more exhausted at home. The guilt kicked in because I had nothing left to give my family. The thing is that I thought that if I just changed a couple of things, it would get better. So, I'd try something and it might work for a week or two but boom, back in overwhelm. I laugh at myself now. It was NOT a good plan!

What I didn't know at that point is you actually do Burnout.  You can't keep going and you won't have control over when that hits. You actually start to not care.  Like you feel like none of it matters. Deadlines don't matter. Relationships don't matter.  Money doesn't matter.  It's like a work-only depression. It's like your brain hits a point where it just says, "Lady, I quit, you should of listened to me and you didn't - we are done here!"  It happened to me not once but two freaking times before I really had to pay attention.  

 It was time to to start a new beginning. Frankly, I didn't get the choice. So, here we are, wrapping up all of the hard knocks of life with all of the best tips, tools, and perspective tricks that one finds on their way out! I've learned so much on this journey, it's time to share it. 

Sarah sitting and smiling

Why ReEnergizeHer?

Many people ask why I would leave my own successful  leadership role and launch a course. Simple! I want people to get ENERGY from their work because when we get ENERGIZED by work, the rest of life gets easier!

Positivity matters and us women deserve to have other women in our corner!  No one should feel as stuck + discontent as I did but I know just based on the Google searches alone that thousands and thousands of women are feeling this!

I use all of my training on positive psychology, coaching training, career strategy, research on employee engagement, the Mental Wellbeing at Work framework (US Surgeon General), energy work, feminine power, leadership development, job fit, and more to bring you a course that supports, teaches, and transforms your way of leading into one that is so much more sustainable!


"You are more powerful, more creative, and more in control of the design of your work + life than you realize."

- Sarah Rose

Sarah Serene Rose

Career + Leadership Coach | Facilitator | CEO | Strategic Partner

[email protected]